Your Story reviews Pro Waste
Deccan Chronicle's article on Pro Waste

How to manage waste in Panchayat limits: lessons from BIAL area
An article about Pro Waste published by Eartha Magazine

SwachhBharat recognises the SolidWaste Management at IITGN
Why clean is not “CLEAN”

KL University Vijaywada has won Cleanest campus award by AICTE
KL University Vijaywada has ranked 2nd in Swachha Institute

Implementation of SWM systems in a residential colony
From refuse to resource: These organisations are pioneering effective waste management

Process of waste segregation at IITGN
'Pro waste' method holds key to solving garbage problem

Re think, Re-define and Re-design waste for future without landfills
4 years on, RRI transforms into zero-waste campus